
This is a site designed to educate those who are afflicted and those who's loved one may be diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer or disease.

We aim to provide information that will best help you help the one who is diagnosed with this deadly disease.

Mesothelioma cancer or disease is a fatal cancer disease, it is best to know and understand what it is so that you may better act upon it.

Ignorance is an obstacle to actions.
What is Mesothelioma cancer or disease?

A lot of us still didn't know what is MESOTHELIOMA Cancer or Disease? Well this blog will tell you more or less some of the information regarding Mesothelioma cancer or disease. It is hope that by posting some of the info on this Mesothelioma cancer or disease the general public or readers out there will have the ideas or knowledge regarding this killer disease.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Treatment Of Mesothelioma Cancer By Chemotheraphy

In today's article we will be discussing the other alternative for treatment of Mesothelioma cancer by means of a Chemotheraphy.

Chemotherapy is a treatment that involves using chemical substances. The chemical substance used in chemotherapy is “anticancer drugs” that works against and destroy cancer cells in the body.

Often, chemotherapy will be administered through the use of injections. The anticancer drug will be injected into the vein. Physicians may administer it directly in the affected area in hope to target the mesothelioma tumor more effectively. If not injections then it would be given in the form of pills.

Please keep in mind that chemotherapy is not considered as a solution or as a cure. It is often used in combination with other forms of treatment to better battle against the cancer cells. The goals of chemotherapy are to control the cancer by slowing down its growth, to relieve symptoms, to shrink tumors, and to destroy microscopic disease that may remain after surgery.
The downside to chemotherapy is the side effects. While chemotherapy seeks out cancer cells and destroys them, it also temporarily reduces the number of the normal cells. It is the damages done to the normal cells that are causing the side effect.

Depending on the type, dosage, and how your body reacts to chemotherapy, the side effects may include the following…

1. Nausea

2. Vomiting

3. Hair loss

4. Weight Loss

5. Fatigue

6. Diarrhea

Hope this article will help readers to better understand the other alternative method of treatment of Mesothelioma cancer.

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